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For the first time in generations, citizens of the Federation know want, uncertainty, and fear. The Federation now stands on the edge of a precipice. Picard is ordered to do everything he can to rescue and if need be to recover the lost souls from the Borg invasion.
Star Trek: The Next Generation
Losing the Peace

September, 2380 to January, 2381 |
Greater than the Sum (Star Trek: The Next Generation) | |
2381 to 2385 |
The Last Best Hope (Star Trek: Picard) | |
February, 2381 | Gods of Night (Destiny #1) | |
February, 2381 | Mere Mortals (Destiny #2) | |
February, 2381 | Lost Souls (Destiny #3) | |
February, 2381 to May, 2381 |
Losing the Peace (Star Trek: The Next Generation) | |
February, 2381 to August, 2381 |
Over a Torrent Sea (Titan #5) | |
February, 2381 to February, 2382 |
Rough Beasts of Empire (Typhon Pact #3) | |
March, 2381 to February, 2382 |
Watching the Clock (Department of Temporal Investigations #1) | |
April, 2381 | A Singular Destiny (Aventine #4) | |
May, 2381 | Unworthy (Star Trek: Voyager) |