4 books found:
  Title Year Rating
Star Trek: The Next Generation #3: The Children of Hamlin
by Carmen Carter (Nov 1988)
Year: 2364 - Goodreads Rating: 3.40 (1,145)
An enigmatic stranger holds the key to a decades old mystery and a galactic quest for vengeance.
3.40 (1,145)
Star Trek: The Next Generation: The Devil's Heart
by Carmen Carter (Apr 1993)
Year: 2368 - Goodreads Rating: 3.52 (1,001)
The Enterprise crew finds a devastated archaeological outpost and a dying scientist whose last worlds fall on disbelieving ears: the Devil's Heart, a legendary object of unsurpassed power and mystery, has been found.
3.52 (1,001)
Star Trek: The Next Generation #12: Doomsday World
Year: 2366 - Goodreads Rating: 3.40 (829)
Geordi, Data and Word find themselves imprisoned and the prime suspects in a series of terrorist attacks on Kirlos, an artificial world built by a mysterious long-dead race called the Ariantu.
3.40 (829)
Star Trek: The Original Series #34: Dreams of the Raven
by Carmen Carter (Jun 1987)
Year: 2268 - Goodreads Rating: 3.60 (701)
A merchant ship's frantic S.O.S sends the Enterprise speeding to the rescue! But the starship's mission of mercy soon becomes a desperate struggle for survival against a nightmarish enemy Captain Kirk can neither identify nor understand, an enemy he must defeat without the aid of one of his most trusted officers. For the Leonard McCoy Kirk knew is gone. In his place stands a stranger -- a man with no memory of his Starfleet career.
3.60 (701)